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In-App Mobile Ads: How to Make Money with Mobile Apps

We live in a digital era, with all the advancements in the gadget industry giving rise to mobile applications. In-App mobile ads are a thing now in the mobile monetization industry. In-app monetization brings revenue to mobile app development agencies by placing relevant ads, but you must be careful not to disrupt user engagement. If you do the opposite, your user retention rate will drop.

In this article, we will dive deep into the in-app mobile advertising strategy, how it works, and what you should do to make it successful. Also, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of In-app advertisements. We will also get a comparison of in-app advertisements. 

What is In-App Advertising?

In-app advertising, also known as IAA, is a monetization strategy. It enables advertisers to place their ads in mobile applications. These In-app ads run through an app ad network where companies make a deal with developers to place their ads via a programmatic ad-buying method. 

In-app mobile ads come with different ad formats and types to choose whatever design suits the viewing space of users. This includes in-app display ads, native ads, interstitial display ads, rewarded videos, and more.

How does it Work?

This helps advertisers place ads within mobile applications—app advertising works on a two-way ecosystem that consists of buyers and sellers. This ad network serves as a broker between advertisers and publishers. Let’s take a look at how this system works:

  • Publishers send an ad request to the mobile ad network and ask the server where to put their ads.
  • This exchange of ad networks comes with multiple factors to consider, like user data and app analytics, to get insights into the mobile applications you will place your ads on, which will decide the pay rates.
  • When both parties agree, this ad will be placed in real-time.

Why is this Important?

In-app mobile ads are a monetization method that allows developers to generate revenue by publishing relevant ads in their mobile applications for their users to see. If the user finds the product or service being shown, they’ll check that business out and maybe become a potential customer. Following, we will discuss some reasons why In-app advertising is essential.

  • The main goal of every business is to generate revenue, so showing ads to relevant customers through In-app advertising helps both parties achieve their goal. This also gives developers a creative outlet to make improvements to the user experience of an app by providing app updates continuously.
  • In-app mobile ads can increase the business’s brand awareness and drive sales. This placement of ads also helps with user engagement and convinces them to take their desired action.
  • By using the insights of the user’s data and getting to know the user’s behavior patterns, In-app advertising helps businesses place relevance on their niche-related mobile applications, which will be fruitful for them by increasing user engagement, which will ultimately ring the conversation.

Free mobile applications rely heavily on in-app advertisements because this is the source of their revenue generation. The in-app ad is very important for mobile application developers because they make money by not charging a penny from their users.

And the other part of this ecosystem benefits by showing their ads to the right target audience, which will also engage with their products or services. In-app ads offer personalization to their publishers by giving them a choice to select demographic factors, customer behavior, and particular interests. In-app mobile ads are also very cost-effective because publishers only pay the developers per thousand impressions or clicks.

Mobile Websites vs. Mobile Apps:

Mobile applications and mobile websites both have an impact on In-app mobile ads. Mobile apps are better at catching the attention of their users and helping the marketing team develop sales funnels. On the other hand, mobile websites share similar features as mobile apps, making a difference in their digital advertisement strategies.

Mobile websites solely rely on data collected through cookies, a limitation that hinders comprehensive insights. Conversely, mobile apps tap into cookies and harness the user’s device ID and demographic specifics. This amalgamation of information significantly amplifies the value of app data, empowering businesses with profound insights into user behavior. This knowledge is then deftly leveraged to craft highly targeted marketing approaches, resulting in enhanced engagement and conversion rates.

During COVID times, mobile app development agencies have seen momentous growth overall, and their advertising revenue hit $220.8 billion last year globally. The in-app purchase advertisement market has also seen a boom, and the forecast is to reach $284 billion by 2026.

Advantages of In-App Mobile Ads:

By now, we have discussed all the concepts of In-app advertisements; let’s take a look at the advantages of them:

  • In-app advertisements bring more monetization opportunities for both developers and publishers. Mobile apps give more monetization freedom, which mobile websites cannot provide. Mobile application developers are making money by simply publishing ads on their apps. In-app advertising has become a proven monetization strategy for mobile applications.
  • A recent survey was conducted on how much time users spend on mobile applications; the results show that users spend at least 3 to 4 hours daily on mobile applications. This means mobile applications have become the driving force, while mobile-based websites have become an old concept. 
  • The users of mobile applications serve the purpose of getting the highest engagement on their ads, which makes them the ideal audience for businesses to drive potential customers. Mobile application users give the most rewarding click-through rates, CTRs, and conversions, which bring revenue to businesses.
  • Research has shown that in-app advertisements bring four times more conversions to businesses than the traditional method of driving sales.
  • Mobile websites only give insights into the data they have through cookies. In contrast, mobile applications can access more user details, giving them the edge to make highly customized, targeted ads to generate revenue.
  • Mobile applications give their users the unique advantage of personalization, which convinces them to engage with the customized ads they see, which will be curated based on their interests. Before installing an application, developers always ask for permission from their users to access their data.
  • According to a recent survey, in-app ads are giving much more fruitful results by performing better than traditional banner ads on mobile-based websites. This is due to the higher engagement rates they are getting from the unique positioning they are curating from the insights of their user’s data.

Disadvantages of In-app Advertising:

Without any second thought, in-app mobile advertising is the best monetization method out there, but it still comes with disadvantages. It would be best to thoroughly analyze your costs before leveraging this monetization method. Let’s have a look at them as well:

  • In-app advertising is getting more expensive daily because of demand; every business wants to place its ads in mobile applications, making it a highly competitive market.
  • Suppose you are trying to market a product or service irrelevant to the mobile application category. In that case, there are better ideas for your business to go for in-app advertisements.
  • You need to make sure that your ad will be fully optimized and will reach your targeted audience at the right moment. You can contact Celect Studios to get customized solutions for your business.

Best Examples of Mobile Apps:

Let’s look at the successful mobile applications that generate revenue through in-app advertisements.

  • Instagram and Facebook:

All of us are familiar with these two giants by now; they utilized the in-app advertisement method to its full potential to drive revenue for their businesses. As we know, Facebook offers multiple ad placement formats to place your ads in its feed, marketplace, videos, etc. The same goes for Instagram. Both platforms give you the flexibility to select your audience because Facebook is the oldest in this game and acquires more data on its users than we can even imagine.

  • Unity:

Unity is a game engine; if you target gamers, this platform is for you. This is specially designed to show curated mobile game ad content to its users. This platform supports Android and iOS users and other game engines like Adobe Air, Corona, and Marmalade. Unity also gives an advantage to businesses that want to sell their gaming products to real-time customers by providing them with in-app purchase options.


In-app advertisements are a great source of monetization for mobile application developers. You have to keep an eye on the placement of the ads, ensuring that they are fully optimized for publication. To leverage this monetization model to its fullest, focus on providing the best user experience to their users and getting better insight into the user’s data to make the targeting more effective. Identify the number of ads you will show your user because you don’t want to overwhelm your user with unwanted ads. And the most important thing is that you have to be fully transparent with your terms and conditions with your users and businesses that want to publish their ads.

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